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Error executing template "Designs/randers-tegl/Paragraph/UltimaProductMultiTab.cshtml"
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_747d21074067423abb694a968c176551.Execute() in D:\\Solutions\Gotcha\\files\Templates\Designs\randers-tegl\Paragraph\UltimaProductMultiTab.cshtml:line 63
   at RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateBase.RazorEngine.Templating.ITemplate.Run(ExecuteContext context, TextWriter reader)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineService.RunCompile(ITemplateKey key, TextWriter writer, Type modelType, Object model, DynamicViewBag viewBag)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<RunCompile>b__0(TextWriter writer)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.WithWriter(Action`1 withWriter)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateRenderingProvider.Render(Template template)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.TemplateRenderingService.Render(Template template)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template.RenderRazorTemplate()

1 @{ 2 bool globalTabIsActive = GetBoolean("Item.Active.Value"); 3 string globalTabClassName = "section-tabs__navigation__item"; 4 string glboalTabContentClassName = "section-tabs__content__item section-tabs__content__item--with-sub-tabs"; 5 string globalTabMobileClassName = "section-tabs__navigation-mobile__item"; 6 7 if (globalTabIsActive) { 8 globalTabClassName += " js-active"; 9 glboalTabContentClassName += " js-active"; 10 globalTabMobileClassName += " js-active"; 11 } 12 } 13 14 @SnippetStart("GlobalTabs") 15 <li class="@globalTabClassName"><span class="section-tabs__headline">@GetString("Item.TabName")</span></li> 16 @SnippetEnd("GlobalTabs") 17 18 @SnippetStart("GlobalTabsMobileNavigation") 19 <li class="@globalTabMobileClassName"></li> 20 @SnippetEnd("GlobalTabsMobileNavigation") 21 22 @SnippetStart("GlobalTabContents") 23 <li class="@glboalTabContentClassName"><ul class="section-tabs__sub-tabs__navigation"> 24 @foreach (var subTab in GetLoop("Item.SubTabs")) { 25 bool subTabIsActive = subTab.GetBoolean("Item.SubTabs.Active"); 26 string subTabClassName = "section-tabs__sub-tabs__navigation__item"; 27 28 if (subTabIsActive) { 29 subTabClassName += " js-active"; 30 } 31 32 <li class="@subTabClassName" @if (subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.Type") == "bricktiler") {<text>onclick="loadBtScript()"</text>}> 33 @subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.TabName") 34 </li> 35 } 36 </ul><ul class="section-tabs__sub-tabs__content"> 37 @foreach (var subTab in GetLoop("Item.SubTabs")) { 38 bool subTabIsActive = subTab.GetBoolean("Item.SubTabs.Active"); 39 string subTabClassName = "section-tabs__sub-tabs__content__item"; 40 41 if (subTabIsActive) { 42 subTabClassName += " js-active"; 43 } 44 45 <li class="@subTabClassName"> 46 @if (subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.Type") == "content_or_code") { 47 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.Code"))) { 48 <text>@subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.Code")</text> 49 } else { 50 <img src="@subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.Image")" alt="" /><div class="section__rich-text"> 51 @subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.BodyText") 52 </div> 53 54 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.Link"))) { 55 <a class="button button-simple button-simple--inverted" href="@subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.Link")"> 56 @subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.LinkText") 57 </a> 58 } 59 } 60 } else if (subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.Type") == "bricktiler") { 61 <text>@RenderBrickTiler()</text> 62 } else if (subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.Type") == "visualization_tool" || subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.Type") == "texture_tool") { 63 string productnumber = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items["productnumber"].ToString().Replace(" ",""); 64 string link = subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.Link"); 65 66 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(productnumber)) { 67 link += "#brick=" + productnumber; 68 } else { 69 link += "#brick=RT150"; 70 } 71 if (subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.Type") == "visualization_tool") { 72 link += "&viewmode=House"; 73 } 74 if (subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.Type") == "texture_tool") { 75 link += "&viewmode=Wall"; 76 } 77 78 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.Image"))) { 79 <img src="@subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.Image")" alt="" /> 80 } 81 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.BodyText"))) { 82 <div class="section__rich-text"> 83 @subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.BodyText") 84 </div> 85 } 86 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.Link"))) { 87 <a class="button button-simple button-simple--inverted" href="@link">@subTab.GetString("Item.SubTabs.LinkText")</a> 88 } 89 } 90 </li> 91 } 92 </ul></li> 93 @SnippetEnd("GlobalTabContents") 94 95 @helper RenderBrickTiler() { 96 <script> 97 var brickimages = []; 98 </script> 99 100 bool showBrickTiler = true; 101 string[] brickimages; 102 103 string productid = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items["productid"].ToString(); 104 string productnumber = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items["productnumber"].ToString().Replace(" ",""); 105 string productName = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items["productname"].ToString(); 106 string isWild = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items["productiswild"].ToString(); 107 108 try { 109 brickimages = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~\\files\\images\\bricktiler\\" + productnumber)); 110 111 foreach (string brickImage in brickimages) { 112 string filepath = brickImage.Substring(brickImage.IndexOf("\\files"), brickImage.Length - brickImage.IndexOf("\\files")).Replace("\\","/"); 113 114 if (filepath.Contains(".png")) { 115 <script> 116 brickimages.push('@filepath'); 117 </script> 118 } 119 } 120 } catch { 121 showBrickTiler = false; 122 } 123 124 if (showBrickTiler) { 125 <div id="bricktiler"><div id="brickTilerWrap"> 126 @if (GetGlobalValue("Global:Device.IsDesktop").ToString().ToLower() == "true") { 127 <div class="dropdowns"> 128 @if (isWild.ToLower() == "false") { 129 <ul class="drop-down" role="menu"><li class="bonds"><a>@Translate("RT-2.0_vaelgforbandt")</a><ul> 130 @RenderItemList(new { 131 ItemType = "ForbandtTyper", 132 ListSourceType = "Area", 133 ListSourceArea = Pageview.Area.ID, 134 IncludeParagraphItems = false, 135 ItemFieldsList = "*", 136 ListOrderBy = "Created", 137 ListglobalTabContentClassName = "ItemPublisher/List/Bonds.cshtml", 138 ListPageSize = 100 139 }) 140 </ul></li></ul> 141 } 142 <ul class="drop-down" role="menu"><li class="grooves"><a>@Translate("RT-2.0_vaelgfugefarve")</a><ul> 143 @RenderItemList(new { 144 ItemType = "Fugefaver", 145 ListSourceType = "Area", 146 ListSourceArea = Pageview.Area.ID, 147 IncludeParagraphItems = false, 148 ItemFieldsList = "*", 149 ListOrderBy = "Created", 150 ListTemplate = "ItemPublisher/List/Grooves.cshtml", 151 ListPageSize = 100 152 }) 153 </ul></li> 154 @if (System.IO.File.Exists(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/Files/Templates/Designs/randers-tegl/images-rt-2.0/icon-arrow-down_2.svg"))) { 155 <span class="icon icon-arrow-down"> 156 @System.IO.File.ReadAllText(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/Files/Templates/Designs/randers-tegl/images-rt-2.0/icon-arrow-down_2.svg")) 157 </span> 158 } 159 </ul></div> 160 } else { 161 if (isWild.ToLower() == "false") { 162 <select id="bond-select"> 163 @RenderItemList(new { 164 ItemType = "ForbandtTyper", 165 ListSourceType = "Area", 166 ListSourceArea = Pageview.Area.ID, 167 IncludeParagraphItems = false, 168 ItemFieldsList = "*", 169 ListOrderBy = "Created", 170 ListTemplate = "ItemPublisher/List/Bonds-native.cshtml", 171 ListPageSize = 100 172 }) 173 </select> 174 } 175 <select id="groove-select"> 176 @RenderItemList(new { 177 ItemType = "Fugefaver", 178 ListSourceType = "Area", 179 ListSourceArea = Pageview.Area.ID, 180 IncludeParagraphItems = false, 181 ItemFieldsList = "*", 182 ListOrderBy = "Created", 183 ListTemplate = "ItemPublisher/List/Grooves-native.cshtml", 184 ListPageSize = 100 185 }) 186 </select> 187 } 188 @if (GetGlobalValue("Global:Device.IsDesktop").ToString().ToLower() == "true") { 189 <div class="save"><a id="bricktiler_savepackage" class="button button-simple button-simple--inverted"> 190 @Translate("RT-2.0_SavePackage") 191 </a></div> 192 } 193 <div id="canvasImg"><canvas id="myCanvas" width="1200px" height="630px" style="background-color:#fdfdfd"></canvas></div></div></div> 194 } 195 <!--script src="/Files/Templates/Designs/randers-tegl/js/bricktiler.min.js" async defer"></script--><!--script src="//"></script><script src="/Files/Templates/Designs/randers-tegl/js/jspdf/libs/filesaver.js/FileSaver.js"></script><script src="//"></script><script src="/Files/Templates/Designs/randers-tegl/js/bricktiler6.js"></script--><script> 196 function loadBtScript() { 197 var btScript = document.createElement('script'); 198 btScript.src = '/Files/Templates/Designs/randers-tegl/js/bricktiler.min.js'; 199 btScript.type = 'text/javascript'; 200 document.body.appendChild(btScript); 201 202 var checkjquery = setInterval(function() { 203 if (window.jQuery && brickTiler) { 204 clearInterval(checkjquery); 205 initBrickTiler(); 206 } 207 },10); 208 } 209 210 function initBrickTiler() { 211 /*if ($('html').hasClass('canvas')) {*/ 212 var selectedbond = ""; 213 var selectedbondname = ""; 214 var selectedgrooveimage = ""; 215 var selectedgroovename = ""; 216 var usenative = false; 217 var vildtforbandt = '@isWild'; 218 219 if ($('#groove-select').length > 0) { 220 usenative = true; 221 } 222 223 if (vildtforbandt.toLowerCase() == 'true') { 224 if (usenative) { 225 selectedbond = []; 226 selectedbondname = 'Vildtforbandt'; 227 selectedgrooveimage = [$($('#groove-select option')[0]).attr('data-image-src')]; 228 selectedgroovename = $($('#groove-select option')[0]).attr('data-color-name'); 229 } else { 230 selectedbond = []; 231 selectedbondname = 'Vildtforbandt'; 232 selectedgrooveimage = [$($('#bricktiler .grooves ul li a')[0]).attr('data-image-src')]; 233 selectedgroovename = $($('#bricktiler .grooves ul li a')[0]).attr('data-color-name'); 234 } 235 } else { 236 if (usenative) { 237 selectedbond = JSON.parse($($('#bond-select option')[0]).attr('data-bond')); 238 selectedbondname = $($('#bond-select option')[0]).attr('data-bond-name'); 239 selectedgrooveimage = [$($('#groove-select option')[0]).attr('data-image-src')]; 240 selectedgroovename = $($('#groove-select option')[0]).attr('data-color-name'); 241 } else { 242 selectedbond = JSON.parse($($('#bricktiler .bonds ul li a')[0]).attr('data-bond')); 243 selectedbondname = $($('#bricktiler .bonds ul li a')[0]).attr('data-bond-name'); 244 selectedgrooveimage = [$($('#bricktiler .grooves ul li a')[0]).attr('data-image-src')]; 245 selectedgroovename = $($('#bricktiler .grooves ul li a')[0]).attr('data-color-name'); 246 } 247 } 248 249 $('#bricktiler .bonds ul li a').click(function() { 250 var selectedbondname = $(this).attr('data-bond-name'); 251 var selectedbond = JSON.parse($(this).attr('data-bond')); 252 253 brickTiler.switchBond(selectedbond, selectedbondname); 254 }); 255 256 $('#bricktiler .grooves ul li a').click(function() { 257 var selectedgroovename = $(this).attr('data-color-name'); 258 var selectedgrooveimage = [$(this).attr('data-image-src')]; 259 260 brickTiler.switchGroove(selectedgrooveimage, selectedgroovename); 261 }); 262 263 $('#bond-select').change(function(e) { 264 var selectedbondname = $(this).find('option:selected').attr('data-bond-name'); 265 var selectedbond = JSON.parse($(this).find('option:selected').attr('data-bond')); 266 267 brickTiler.switchBond(selectedbond, selectedbondname); 268 }); 269 270 $('#groove-select').change(function(e) { 271 var selectedgroovename = $(this).find('option:selected').attr('data-color-name'); 272 var selectedgrooveimage = [$(this).find('option:selected').attr('data-image-src')]; 273 274 brickTiler.switchGroove(selectedgrooveimage, selectedgroovename); 275 }); 276 277 $('#bricktiler_saveaspdf').click(function() { 278 showloader(); 279 280 setTimeout(function() { 281 brickTiler.savePdf('text here...').done(function() { 282 hideloader(); 283 }); 284 },300); 285 }); 286 287 $('#bricktiler_savepackage').click(function() { 288 showloader(); 289 290 $('body').append('<div id="downloadmessage" style="z-index: 999999; color: #fff; position: fixed; max-width: 960px; line-height: 40px; top: 50%; left: 0; right: 0; text-align: center; margin: auto;">Vent venligst. Du vil om kort tid modtage en zip-fil med den valgte tekstur. Det kan tage op til 30 sekunder afhængig af din internetforbindelse.</div>'); 291 292 setTimeout(function() { 293 brickTiler.saveZip().done(function() { 294 hideloader(); 295 $('#downloadmessage').remove(); 296 }); 297 },300); 298 }); 299 300 function showloader() { 301 $('body').addClass('js-bricktiler-loading'); 302 } 303 304 function hideloader() { 305 $('body').removeClass('js-bricktiler-loading'); 306 } 307 308 function init() { 309 if (document.getElementById("myCanvas")){ 310 setTimeout(function() { 311 brickTiler.init( 312 document.getElementById('myCanvas'), 313 brickimages, 314 '@productnumber @productName', 315 selectedgrooveimage, 316 selectedgroovename, 317 selectedbond, 318 selectedbondname 319 ).done(function(){ 320 //console.log("Init done!"); 321 }); 322 }, 10); 323 } else{ 324 document.getElementById("bricktiler").setAttribute("style","display:none"); 325 } 326 } 327 328 init(); 329 330 $('.dropdowns ul li ul a').click(function() { 331 $('.dropdowns ul li ul a.js-selected').removeClass('js-selected'); 332 $(this).addClass('js-selected'); 333 var text = $(this).html(); 334 $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('> a').html(text); 335 }); 336 /*}*/ 337 } 338 </script> 339 } 340

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